Intergenerational Sales: Phil And Franklin Miller Collaborate To Tell A High-end Story At Thayer Coggin

The history of Thayer Coggin is one of a family-run upholstery business that was established in 1953 in North Carolina and has since expanded internationally.

Thayer Coggin’s company has always been cross-generational, a tradition that will continue in 2022 with Phil and Franklin Miller, the vice president of marketing and the regional sales manager, respectively. Thayer Coggin’s business is currently run by the founder’s daughter, Royale Coggin Wiggin, and was introduced to social media by iconic designs made by Milo Baughman and Wiggin’s father.

What Was The Most Recent High Point Market Like, Asks Furniture Today? Busy, Returning To Normal, Or Fired Up? Optimistic?

Phil: Both a significant number of new potential retailers and design firms and our regular customers showed up in force. The atmosphere was upbeat. The issues of high inflation and the increase in mortgage rates, which have become significant economic headwinds, were discussed in an unflinching manner.

At the same time, there was a strong sense of optimism about the future and excitement about the continued, significant growth in demand for our premium brand of Classic Modern Design.

Franklin: This market is definitely back to normal, in my opinion. But we were fortunate that business was still brisk for us in the last few markets. That is a testament to our fantastic designs and the incredible job our director of design, Guy Hill, does in putting together a stunning showroom each market.

We also have the best accounts in our field, and we value the fact that even though they had a reduced schedule, they were still willing to travel to our showroom outside of the city center to meet with us.

Along with hosting a few sizable tour groups and allowing groups of designers to experience our entire line in our showrooms, we also hosted a number of existing accounts. In addition to excellent design and engineering, Thayer Coggin is renowned for its exquisite tailoring and exceptional comfort. For them, the final section is always enlightening. The joke that Milo understood ergonomics before it became a thing is often brought to life when customers use our products for the first time.

Did You See Any Of The Top 100 Merchants, Boutique Merchants, Designers, Or All Of The Aforementioned At This Market?

Phil: Thayer Coggin is merchandised and marketed through a thorough North American network of the top retail stores, boutique studios, and to-the-trade showrooms located all over the nation.

Franklin: We mixed all three together. From a retail, to-the-trade showroom, and designer perspective, we are fortunate to have the best accounts in the business. Additionally, each market sees a large influx of brand-new customers from all three market segments who want to see and try our products. As a result, we consistently have a diverse clientele.

What One Aspect Of The Market Would You Change, If Anything?

Phil: to plan our April market dates to avoid clashing with or converging on the Milan Show.

Franklin: I would adore to see a bigger focus placed on authentic original design and American-made goods. The furniture industry is undoubtedly a knock-off industry, and if one product or style is popular with one manufacturer, there will undoubtedly be numerous iterations from all of the competition in the following market.

While some designers get a lot more “inspiration” from others and lack the imagination to create their own original designs, it would be great to really highlight those who have the foresight to create true original designs. Both social media and awards could be used for this.

Bringing attention to the businesses that are still producing goods in the United States is the other aspect of this. and supporting an entire ecosystem of vendors, customers and employees producing high quality products and haven’t sold out to go overseas. Furniture should be no different, especially when you take into account the history of our industry and its connection to North Carolina, and more specifically High Point, as supporting local has been a huge movement in the overall economy in the past few years.

What Do You Consider To Be The Most Valuable Aspect Of The Market?

Phil: The opportunity to interact directly and personally with our customers—who are not only our clients but also dear friends—is the most priceless and significant aspect of the market.

Franklin: interacting with individuals and allowing them to see and use our entire product line in our showroom. It is truly amazing to see how they respond to different fabrics, finishes, and designs in person. There is a limit to what the Internet can offer, as this was amply demonstrated during the pandemic, whether it be social media, zoom calls, or website traffic.

Having market twice a year is invaluable and irreplaceable because it gives our customers the chance to see the entire line in one location, learn about new products, and brush up on other pieces they might not have on their floors.

Ft: Reflecting On The Home Furnishings Industry At Large, What Do You Think Is Going To Be A “must” With Regard To Product For The When It Comes To Purchasing Furniture For A Home, Who Are The Millennial And Generation Z Consumers?

Phil: The Millennial and Gen Z generations are interested in learning more about the history and standing of the companies that make the furniture they are considering for their homes. I think they value unique design, exact engineering, construction using the best raw materials, and creation by highly skilled individuals who take great pride in creating excellent furniture. This unquestionably describes the furniture created by Thayer Coggin.

Franklin: My favorites about it are the story and the practical design. What ever the piece is, how does it fit into your own sense of style? Does it enhance and complement the space? Is it functional? Then, do these elements fit with your personal ethos and where did the piece originate and how was it made? Does it have a history?

With regard to a wide variety of products, this is on our generation’s minds, and furniture will follow. Younger generations are increasingly concerned with sustainability, supporting local businesses, and understanding the values of a given product and organization.

Ft: How Does Your Business Successfully Tell Its Story To An Omnichannel Audience (digital, Social, And Print)? How Do You Intend To Advance Through 2023 And Beyond?

Phil: With a focus on social media, specifically the Instagram platform, and the creation of a look book print, we have a blended strategy that is highlighted by the content on our website. We will increase the amount of digital and video content we produce for 2023 for all of our channels.

Franklin: We have the best history and story in the business, and although I may be biased, it was made for a Hollywood script. It is simpler to communicate when you can show someone around the factory and showroom, but it can be more difficult to do so in easily savored chunks for print or digital media. As we continue to build brand awareness through social media and a more in-depth company profile, we are looking to further explore and expand upon this.

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